When I first moved here last summer, I was cruising the aisles of Amoeba records and came across a "Highly Recommended By Amoeba Staff" Record. That record was Lavender Diamond's first EP: The Calvary of Light. The comparisons to the neo-folk movement are cleary there. I mean, look what she was wearing.
I wasn't blown away by the EP, but many people I know were, so I wanted to check out their live show to see if I was missing something. When lead singer Becky Stark came out in a powder blue prom dress, I wanted badly to hate them. I am not sure why. But, the more the show went on and the more the crowd and the band got a bit more comfortable, I found myself really enjoying their music. On the way home, I was disappointed that the new songs haven't been recorded yet.
The second song they played, "You Broke My Heart", is my favorite (and in my opinion, their best song). It's the standout track on the EP and really showcases Stark's songwriting ability with her opera-trained voice. A song that isn't for everyone, it really got the show started. The band seemed to flourish on songs that let them actually do something as opposed to the softer songs that involved some strumming or light tapping of the drums or keyboards.
Since they are a local band, they play all the time. Next show will be June 11 at the Echo.
I got there early to check out Let's Go Sailing.
I have seen the name Let's Go Sailing around town for a while, but this was the first time I had checked them out. They have played with a lot of local bands I love (Division Day, Great Northern), but it wasn't until yesterday that I found out that lead singer Shana Levy used to be in Irving. Levy's voice is incredible and she clearly knows how to create a perfect song. Check out "All I Want From You is Love". The piano solo is so perfect in there.
Levy splits time between the keyboards and the guitar. I knew it was love when the tambourine player picked up the melodica. Any band that uses a melodica is number one in my book.
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