The truth is probably a little bit of both. But if you watched any of the VMAs tonight, you now how much it sucked! The whole thing. There was nothing to talk about ... except how bad it was. I guess we should have expected this, given the crappy logo treatment and graphics. What ever happened to the days of the giant bobbleheads all over NYC?
Some thoughts, in no particular order:
John Norris. Seriously. I can't believe he's a) still on TV and b) still alive. And c) sweet hair, Norris.
Enough with the Overdrive. This show is bad enough while watching one feed on TV. Why on earth would anyone want to go online to view from 30 different cameras? Stop trying to get America to go to MTV Overdrive. We've been before. It sucks.
The director is brutal. I was annoyed while watching the Emmy's that they give an award to the director of these types of shows. Seems a little biased. That aside, this guy is really bad. While MTV is trying to be hip and edgy by letting us hear the director's bark while going into commercial, his poor directing is extremely noticeable when the audio commentary doesn't sync up with the right visual.
Jack Black. This one is really sad. Remember how cool Jack Black was? He was funny, charismatic, and exciting. Not anymore. Although, he was a great choice to host this crappy awards show. They're both tired, bland, out of touch, and lame.
Jessica, what happened? You've always been so hot. Not tonight. While I'm on this subject, go back to Nick already.
Kelly Clarkson. Alright, who doesn't love Kelly Clarkson? Dan and I are both huge fans. (Not as much as that dude from MTV's new show, My Own, which is a train wreck that you can't stop watching). But seriously, Best Female Video? Over Nelly F, Christina, Shakira, and Motherfucking Madonna?
OK GO, was the only bright spot.
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