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hey Dan, you don't have to be a slave to your blog or the industry, just write when you feel like it, I for one hate reading the same shit over and over again about whatever band The Musebox, or any other marketing/promotions company, has been hired to market.

the more honest and the more do like that grammer?


funny, right after reading this I went to google to search for a musician that I heard from a friend. Once I finally found him I had one of those moments that reinvigorates my love for music. Just listen to "the way" at this web site

If you have already listened to this guy then this will just act as a reminder that there is great music out there!

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funny, right after reading this I went to google to search for a musician that I heard from a friend. Once I finally found him I had one of those moments that reinvigorates my love for music
hey Dan, you don't have to be a slave to your blog or the industry, just write when you feel like it, I for one hate reading the same shit over and over again about whatever band The Musebox, or any other marketing/promotions company

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will be happy to be proved wrong with this one.... but having done survival training during my Army days, I have to admit to a raised eyebrow with this as well.

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I've been here before... no joke. It's gorgeous. I think I stopped to take a pee in the woods.

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funny, right after reading this I went to google to search for a musician that I heard from a friend. Once I finally found him I had one of those moments that reinvigorates my love for music

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This isn't the first time that a street has been named for a popular videogame character. Earlier this year,The rest of the Spanish development is

scheduled to be finished by June 2012. A dozen of the neighborhood's streets will be named for videogame characters, with the rest being named for Spanish composers and

Nintendo was on hand to give away prizes celebrating Mario's 25th Anniversary, and a violin and cello duet played the familiar theme at the festivities

celebrating the opening of the "Avenida de Super Mario Bros."
Residents of the government-sponsored Arcosur development project, which aims to build more than 21,000 homes for people aged 20 to 35, chose videogames over more traditional

options for their new area. "We are people who grew up living with video games. We know them very well," said neighborhood association president Antonio Almudi Miranda. "I'm 25.

I'm the same age as Mario."

Spain can now boast the first street in the world named for , http://www.gonhlshop.comand there are more like it on the way (via ).

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Many thanks for the article. I will have a link back to this information from our fresh blog.


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